According to the Grow and development in education

Part 2

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Definition of Development:

 Human development refers to all the changes and changes that occur in an individual from the beginning of life to a certain period. 

·      According to Dr. Abdul Raouf,

The development of children starts from birth and continues until puberty. Development means all the changes that occur in an individual during this period, that is, development in all these physical is the formal study of the mental, social, and emotional changes that occur in children as a result of experiences, accidents, education, and training.  Children's imagination, character, and personality are affected by these changes in different ways.

·      According to Anderson,

 Knowledge of all these changes is useful and necessary for parents and students. According to Anderson, anthropomorphism is a process in which growth is not seen in terms of inches of a physical structure or it is not called a quantitative change in ability, but rather a perfect complex and dynamic combination in which An attempt is made to understand many structures and their actions about each other.

  The result of this relationship is that every change that occurs in one level is based on the changes that occurred in the previous levels, and the existing thresholds provide the basis for the changes to come.

How does development happen?

Philosophers have expressed different opinions to understand the basic nature of human beings.  We grow and understand because repeated and continuous accidents or forces in our lives create the ability to grow and learn.

In 1970, Race and Overton (Race & Overton) said that children are born as "blank slates" with no pre-existing characteristics.  Then he ages

All habits are learned based on experience and the opinions of the people concerned.  This development is called mechanistic because it is like a machine.  The child mostly meets his father and then the teacher from around him and during this period he expresses his role in the action.  They say that a child is like a machine, make it whatever you want. 

After coming into the world, the child is ready to react to whatever happens to him.  Any person, whether he is an adult or a child, is socially engaged in this process and along with time, he maintains a connection with the people in the society, due to which his growth and development continue.

Philosophers' concepts 

Philosophers' concepts From Rousseau of the eighteenth century til now, philosophers have given nice importance to the very fact that someone keeps himself busy with some work and so remains active and energetic. Later, Jean Piaget created some changes during this theory, on that consultants modified their opinion regarding the child's physical factors and education.


·     Bell's theory

 In step with Bell's theory in 1948, all kids United Nations agencies even terribly young kids behave towards their folks in ways in which modification the behavior of the adults and this transformation affects the event of the kids, for instance, once fighting with a woman. If additional love and a focus are given to the kid or if additional love and a focus are given to the kid initially, it's profound effects on the child's behavior and development. Research is increasing over time through new ways. There’s still a shot to know whether or not the method of learning in development is passive or active, however, it's clear that.

“Some necessary changes occur within the kid once he's exposed to any experiences that the individuals around him ought to provide him opportunities”.


The goal of change in development

The change in development suggests that realizing oneself or gaining the ability of genetic science? Maslow has explained it in a such method that some way the simplest way that it's a method of transferring a force into action and endeavor for action in a very way that's sensible physically and mentally. Except for this, he needs to use no matter mentality someone has.

 To adapt any method to the atmosphere, it's vital to supply opportunities for it, however, if someone needs to realize any goal in any society and atmosphere, he has got to face numerous obstacles and issues.

 Currently, it depends on the skills of the kid however he faces obstacles and difficulties. As an example, if the atmosphere, wherever health and education facilities aren't accessible, he tries to realize them. On the opposite hand, it's going to be that he has such skills however he couldn't implement them thanks to his inner concern. Confine mind that he mustn't be criticized.  

We will conjointly offer an associate degree example that the kid has the need to become a decent musician however the family doesn't offer him such a chance or breaks his heart, therefore this ability step decreases for him. Can go from his aspect.

According to Piaget's theory

 Man does not stay in one state he keeps changing from birth to death. Moreover, he does this in such a way that any maturing organism, instead of staying in one state, constantly changes.


 It goes through the changes that it receives in the business environment and these changes have come about through a complex process.  Changes occur during development at every stage of life.  During these changes, some new changes take place and some changes are completed, that is, we can say that the change comes to maturity.

 For example, a child crawls or walks on their knees before walking, then tries to walk with the help of support, and finally can walk and run.  Thus one process is completed but the new change comes in that he starts showing interest in the things around him.

And the curiosity to get information about them is increasing.  In these changes, some changes do not match each other, or in other words, they are contradictory and some are related to each other.  These two different types of processes continue side by side. This means that the process moves in two directions or towards narrators.

 One direction is growth (Evolution) and the other direction is loss (Atrophy).  In the early years of life, this process is rapid but in the end, it is reversed.

 When the child is in the state of birth, its growth rate is fast, but after coming into the world, when the child physically reaches the age where its growth and development are completed to a certain extent, then its growth rate slows down.  Change happens.

 Changes that are related to each other, there is an approximation and relevance in them.  For example, along with increasing the size of the body, the structure of the body also changes.  From experiments and observations, it has been found that the change in the weight of the child is not only caused by fat and tissue, but also by nerve bone and glandular tissue.

 In childhood, weight gain is due to bone and muscle tissue.  In adulthood, weight gain occurs due to the accumulation of fat.  In this way, along with age, weight, and height, the mental characteristics of the child also keep changing.  In this way, along with height, age, and weight, the consciousness is created in the child that he should play his role in society in such a way that he adopts healthy social values ​​and is accepted by society.

Factors Influencing Behavior

1_ when a child reaches the age of independence, his maximum effort is to do everything by himself and take the least help from others.  During this time, parents often take special care of this and are with their children in various activities, so the child's desire to do and learn this work increases.

  2_ Social behavior also brings in the child.  For example, if the child fulfills the expectations of the parents, the child is praised, but if he does something that is more or less than his age in the eyes of others, then the child is said to be under-aged.  Not acting accordingly.

3_Social attitudes have an effect even when external changes are taking place in the child. For example, when the child's milk teeth start falling out, every person who sees it must say something.  Thus, if there is a change in the voice of the boys, the adults feel strange and their behavior makes the child suffer from a sense of superiority or inferiority.

 Everyone loves very young children more than older children.  Sometimes, due to these external changes, the friendships of children of the same age also end and this is why changes occur in children before puberty and do not get positive attitudes.